

Interactive guides that turn into customer support, allowing customers to move seamlessly from self-service to human interaction.

Guides That Turn Into Instant Support

As users work through the steps on a SureSteps Proc, they can ask AI or interact with the support team when they run into an issue. Support has visibility about where the user is and can provide an accurate answer.

This also allows for more accurate AI responses, because it too gets exact context. Furthermore, the organization gets actionable data to improve documentation and product design.

AI Assisted Support

Upload documents into an AI model, teaching it about your products.  Users can then ask AI for solutions to their problems, authors can ask AI for creating step-by-step instructions, and support staff can use AI to generate responses to user’s questions.  With SureSteps, you can harness the power of AI to improve your productivity and efficiency.


See how effective your guides are and how intuitive your products are. Analytics can show you if your products fall short in any areas through where your customers need guides the most.

Creating Procedures

Creating procedures has never been easier! With an intuitive graphical interface, you can design step-by-step workflows in minutes. Each step can be enhanced with detailed instructions, helpful images, or even instructional videos, ensuring that users can follow along without confusion.

Plus, interactive features allow users to mark their progress, write down notes, or reach out for support at any moment. And when you’re ready, a simple click is all it takes to publish your procedure, making it instantly accessible for users to execute their tasks efficiently.

Following Procedures

SureSteps makes navigating complex procedures a breeze! With the ability to select a guide and obtain a personal copy, users can confidently follow instructions and mark their progress at each step.

A private communication channel with support ensures that help is always informed and ready to assist at the exact step where guidance is needed. Plus, the flexibility to pause and resume the procedure right where one left off empowers users to manage tasks at their own pace, making the experience straightforward and stress-free.


Documentation platforms and ticketing systems attempt to tackle similar challenges in managing information and resolving issues. However, users typically need to manually document the steps they’ve taken towards a solution. SureSteps innovates in this space by allowing users to integrate their procedures directly into a knowledge base.

This integration not only streamlines the documentation process but also works with ticketing systems to send you automatic alerts, bridging the gap between problem resolution and knowledge management.

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