
Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions



SureSteps is an innovative system for creating interactive instructions (called a ‘Proc’) that can be used by multiple users at the same time. Each user can progress through the instructions at their own pace, query AI, and ask questions at any step using a private channel for communication. The author (or owner) of the Proc has visibility to the progress achieved by any user and the ability to communicate with any of the users.

If you want create a sequence of instructions that you want others to follow, SureSteps is for you:

  • Companies have internal procedures such as for onboarding, quality control, system maintenance etc. Some of these may even require documented proof that the actual steps were followed and completed.
  • Product companies create procedures for installing, using and troubleshooting problems.
  • Consultants and service companies interact with customers to collect data and to work on projects.


By default, every user is a member of at least one organization. Accounts are tied to an organization. An organization can have multiple members, all of whom have full ownership of that organization.

Every organization can have multiple workspaces. A workspace also has members. Members of a workspace are allowed to create, edit, delete and publish any Proc within that workspace.

Every proc is part of a workspace.

Go to the Organization page, create AI assistant and (optionally) upload documents that are specific for your Procs. That’s it!

Remember to turn on AI for the your specific Procs. Note that the AI assistant that is provided by SureSteps is only good for 10 queries.

To increase the number of queries you can create an account with ChatGPT and obtain your own key. Configure your own key in the AI assistant. You are all set now to run any number of queries.


Yes, each Proc is sequence of steps. You can embed text descriptions, image and video in each step. Users can provide input through checkboxes, list selections, and text areas. The sequence can change based on checkbox values and list selections.

Yes, a Proc is more generally a flow chart. While most Procs are a linear sequence of steps, you can construct Procs whose sequence changes based on the inputs provided by the user.

A Proc can be read just as regular documentation. A Proc can also be embedded in your knowledge base.

However, each user can start their own Proc. When they do that, they get their own private copy of the Proc. Each user can provide input to the Proc and communicate with the author (or owner) of the Proc.

The author of a Proc is the one who created the Proc. Procs are typically created by those who have an account in SureSteps and organized into workspaces (think departments of a company). Authors can “publish” a Proc making it available for users.

Users are simply those who have visibility to the authored Proc. They get a copy of the Proc for their exclusive use by “Starting” the Proc. Users don’t need to signup in SureSteps to start a Proc. However, they do need to provide an email address where they get a link to the started Proc.

Authors deal with Procs they write. You can think of these Procs as templates. When a User starts a Proc they get a new working instance of that Proc.

Yes, you need an account to create a Proc. Sign up and you will automatically be part of a free plan and can created a limited number of Procs.

You don’t need an account to start a Proc. If you aren’t signed in, when you click on the Start button of a proc, you will be asked to provide an email. A link to the running instance of your Proc will be emailed to you. If you have an account and are signed in, you will be taken directly to the instance of your Proc.

Once you have created a proc, you must publish it. Until you publish a Proc, it remains in draft mode and cannot be started by a user. You can use the share icon to obtain a link that can be embedded in their website or in their knowledge base.

You can also specify the visibility of a published Proc.

If the visibility is unlisted (which is the default) only users who have the link can see the Proc. Authors can obtain a link using the shared icon on a proc and share it with their users.

if the visibility is public, users can search for the Proc in the dashboard.

Yes. Even though you are an author, you can start your own Proc. In fact, it may be a good idea to start your own Proc for seeing what users will see. Once you are satisfied you can delete your instance of the Proc.

In order to change a published Proc, you must first “unpublish” the Proc. Note that you cannot unpublish a Proc, if there are active users on that Proc. You have two options if you want to change a Proc that has active users:

  • You can delete the active instances and then unpublish the Proc.
  • You can duplicate the published Proc to obtain a new Proc. Now you can change the new Proc and publish it. If you do this, we recommend that you append a version number to the title so you can distinguish between two versions of that Proc, both of which are published.

The starting point is an admin signing up for an account in SureSteps. As part of the signup process, the user gets an Organization. The Organization can be renamed to identify the Company that owns this organization.

The admin then invites other admins who must also sign up in SureSteps. These admins then create workspaces and invite admins into the workspaces. By default, all organization admins have access to every workspaces.

Every member of the workspace can now create Procs within their workspace. Every department can create their own Procs and manage them in one or more workspaces that the department manages.

Any Proc that is published by any member of the workspace is then available to anybody (including those outside the organization) based on the visibility of the Proc.

When the Proc owner (every workspace member is an owner of the Proc) selects the published Proc, they see a “Go To Instances” button. Click on the button and you will see the list of running Procs and which step those Procs are on. The Proc owner can also delete an instance.

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