Transforming Customer Support:

In the fast-paced world of technology, companies compete by providing innovative products and services. Customer adoption is critical. Yet, customer support is expensive and often unsatisfactory, thwarting widespread use. Companies try to resolve this dilemma by providing documentation in a variety of Knowledge Bases and user forums. They even provide support numbers while erecting a daunting wall of recorded messages in front.

There is a yawning gap between Self Service Documentation and Customer Support Systems. Recognizing this challenge, we created SureSteps—a groundbreaking solution that seamlessly connects these two essential components of customer service and support.

The Current Landscape:

Knowledge Bases are the repository for all relevant documentation. They include insights into document popularity, group articles by topic, and cater to both internal users and external customers. With numerous Knowledge Base vendors available, companies can choose the platform that best fits their needs.

On the other hand, Customer Support Systems are designed for ticket management, relying on customers to provide context, screenshots, and explanations of the steps taken to resolve an issue. Unfortunately, this often results in support teams recommending redundant solutions or asking customers to repeat previously attempted troubleshooting steps.

Why SureSteps:

Our founders have decades of experience supporting both internal and external customers. We know the difficulty of documenting multiple versions of suites of products. We understand the frustration of opening tickets, detailing issues, and the inefficiency of recommending redundant troubleshooting steps. We also recognize how expensive human support is and the need to reduce the load by enabling customers to help themselves.

How does SureSteps work:

SureSteps is a platform to create step-by-step guides that instantly turn into communication channels for support, with exact context.

  • Contextual Insights:
    • SureSteps provides customer support teams with the context they need. No longer do users have to spend time typing up specific issues; our system provides a view of the procedures customers are following and the exact step where they encounter challenges.
  • Efficiency in Ticket Resolution:
    • With SureSteps, support teams can see the customer’s journey, eliminating the need to request additional information. This leads to quicker ticket resolutions, enhancing overall customer satisfaction.
  • Streamlined Communication:
    • SureSteps fosters effective communication between customers and support teams by reducing the back-and-forth exchange of information. Our system ensures that every interaction is purposeful, addressing the core of the issue.
  • User-Friendly Interface:
    • Designed with both customers and support teams in mind, SureSteps offers an intuitive interface that simplifies the user experience. Navigating through documentation and resolving tickets becomes a seamless process.
  • Unparalleled AI support:
    • The built-in AI support utilizes company Knowledge Base to provide accurate response. The precise context ensures that AI responses allow most customers to resolve issues without further assistance.

SureSteps marks a significant advancement in customer support, addressing the long-standing challenges posed by the disjointed nature of Knowledge Bases and Customer Support Systems. By providing context and streamlining communication, SureSteps empowers support teams to deliver faster and effective solutions. Say goodbye to redundant troubleshooting and hello to a new era of efficient customer support with SureSteps.

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